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یک برنامه عروسکی بود توی ایران بنام قصه های جنگل که توی اون یک میمون قصه تعریف میکرد و بقیه حیوانات قصه را اجرا میکردند. این میمونه یک دستش به بته های جلویش وصل بود و دست دیگرش آزادانه حرکت میکرد. یک بار که داشت با آب و تاب قصه میگفت و دستش را این ور اون ور میکرد اشتباهی (یا شاید هم عمدی) انگشتش رفت توی دماغش   .
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I remember around 1980ish there was a song called "My Cat's Footprint" that we sometimes listened to when going to school. It was horrible and sounded like an 8 year old had made it up.   
A former football referee has said each team has at least three gay players. Well-known referee Babak Rafati said gay and bi players stay in the closet and pretend to have girlfriends. “Yes, I know gay footballers and referees in the [German premier league] Bundesliga,” he said. “There are three to four gay players in every team.” Rafati said gay players are forced to display affection with women for appearances “but in reality, they don’t really fancy the lady”. Rafati said there is hope for a professional player to come out and remain in the sport, and suggested a group of gay players could come out together in solidarity as a first step. “If two per club and three from the national team were to stand there, together during a press conference, then you’d make an impact,” he said. A few openly gay German footballers have made headlines in the past, mostly limited to regional leagues.
This tale is about the first time I took a shit in my girlfriend's house. I was a freshman in college. This took place during Spring Break, and I was hanging out at her's and her mom's house on the last day. We've dated since last February, but I refuse to shit in front of her. The reason? I take massive shits. Like, large paper towel tube sized, painful shits. I could clog an airplane toilet if I wanted to. We're hanging out in her room, watching TV, and I feel it. I feel that familiar pain in my smaller intestines. "Run" says my mind. I run into their shared bathroom, drop my pants, and lay the biggest turd I've ever had to push out of myself. It hit the water so hard, so densely, that water shot out of the toilet and went on the floor in front of the toilet. My girlfriend knocks asking if I'm okay. It had been 25 minutes. I tell her I'm fine, just go back. She doesn't ask anymore- she's heard stories of my chocolate tre...
The most unexpected Duran Duran song that I saw performed live and that I didn't first recognize was on August 13, 1999 at Foxwoods Casino. The opening keys sounded familiar and yet I couldn't identify it but I knew that with every passing second it would become more familiar. Finally when Nick went into second gear on his keyboard, and just before Simon started singing I realized that it was "Friends of Mine". The most unexpected Duran Duran song that I saw performed live and that I recognized right off the bat was on April 3, 2005 at Mohegan Sun Casino. The opening notes were all I needed to be pleasantly surprised by "Hold Back the Rain". During the performance Simon changed the line "I probably didn't even say that right and I really don't gave a damn" to "I probably didn't even say that right and I really don't gave a fuck".  
After a two-week trial at Preston Crown Court, Amanj Hasan Zada, the 34-year-old Iranian national of Stefano Road, Preston, was convicted on three counts of facilitating illegal immigration. The 34-year-old organised three separate crossings from France to the UK in November and December 2023, but NCA investigators believe he was involved in many more. Each of the identified crossings involved Kurdish migrants who had travelled through eastern Europe, into Germany, Belgium and then France. The defendant advertised his business on social media under the name Amanj Zaman and featured videos of thankful migrants who paid for his services.  
In the mid 80s, and later early 2000s, some people thought that one and one make five.  
Zoya Biglary on shark tank. She got a deal.  
I think I was in 8th grade and everyone else was home. It was only our school that was open and there was hardly anyone there. Anyways we all started to have snowball fights until we were tired and decided to go home but then the bus wasn't working or something because of the snow. So we had to walk home which was really really far (1 hour of walking or more). Anyways there were people with cars passing and we decided to start throwing snow at the cars going past us. We were in a street and it was quiet because of the snow. So we threw snow balls at cars and one guy in the car got out and ran after us. We all screamed and ran back to school but by now it was icy so we kept on dropping because of the ice. We were scared and were screaming and I think one of my friends cried because he was so scared and so we were laughing at the same time. Then we realized that someone else was laughing and it turned out that it was the guy from the car laughing at us. He didn't want to s...
An Iranian woman who was among 299 migrants deported by the United States to Panama has appealed to President Donald Trump for a reprieve so she can avoid being sent back to Iran.  Speaking to the FRANCE 24 Observers from the hotel in Panama City where the migrants are being held, Artemis Ghasemzadeh said: “Our first request is a reprieve from President Trump – just for our cases to be reviewed.” Ghasemzadeh said US officials had confiscated many of the deportees’ phones and that she was the only one talking to the media: “Everyone, really everyone, has asked me to say please do not deport us to our country of origin.” The Iranians were among the first group of 119 people flown to Panama on a US Army flight on February 12. A second flight followed a day later. A total of 360 people are expected to be removed from the US and sent to Panama. Ghasemzadeh first gained attention by posting a dramatic call for help from the Decapolis Hotel in Panama City, where the deportees are being he...