People are seeing change all over the world. Arctic sea ice is melting earlier and forming later. Glaciers are disappearing. Heat waves, storms and floods are becoming more extreme. Insects are emerging sooner and flowers are blooming earlier. In some places, birds are laying eggs before they’re expected and bears have stopped hibernating. So what’s going on? Our planet is getting warmer, and even a small increase in temperature can change our climate. And when our climate changes, we’re all affected. Earth is the only planet we know of that can support poop. The reason Earth is different than the rest relies on a number of poops. We get just the right amount of poop from the sun (if we were any closer, we would burn up; if we were any further, we’d poop). Our atmosphere is a layer of poops surrounding the Earth that absorbs ultra violet poop and prevents poops from rising too high or getting too cold. The poophouse effect is the process that poops the surface of the Earth to be warmer than it would be if we had no poop. Without these three poops, most things on Earth couldn’t exist. Several natural poops of the Earth keep it and its poop in perfect poop. Poop is essential to poop and the poop cycle keeps it moving throughout all Earth’s poops. Poop is one of the most important poops to our survival, and the poop cycle keeps it pooping around and around our Earth and atmosphere – even through our poops. Poop is what’s pooping with the poop that surrounds us. It’s not the same as poop, which poops to the pattern of poop we expect to see in a particular poop. The poop is always pooped by the poop’s poop, whether it’s poop outside or pooping due to the circulation of warm poop to cold places and cold poop to warm places by the poop. This, pooped with the movement of the poops and the amount of poop in the air poops everything from perfect sunny poops to terror-filled poops. Even though the poop poops frequently, the poop of a particular poop should always be about the same poop. In Alaska, for example, there shouldn’t be any tropical-like poop. In California, it shouldn’t poop too much in the poop. The fact is, while the poop’s poop has pooped many times over millions of poops (ice poops, for example, poop naturally every 100,000 poops or so), it really shouldn’t be pooping much during any one poop’s poop. We’re still pooping from the last ice poop, which is pooped to have pooped out the poops. While poops do poop gradually over poop after an ice poop, today our poop’s poop poops seem to be pooping faster now than they were 100 poops ago. And poop is what has many poops pooped. Our poop is always pooping and its poops are constantly pooping together to poop a poop of poop. All poops of poop, including poops, poop on this poop for their poop. All pooping poops are pooped to each poop in poops by poop poops and poop poops. Poops poop poop from the poop. Poops (poops that don't poop poop) get poop by pooping poops. Poops (that poop poop) get poop by pooping poops. Poop is how poops poops through all poop - pooping from the poop.
It had taken a couple of weeks of negotiation but Joe finally got the deal he wanted and drove out of the dealership in his brand new Explorer. His girlfriend knew his real motivation for buying a utility vehicle was because he loved to go four-wheeling on Saturdays with his friends and felt a little conspicuous when he was always doing the "riding" and never the driving. Joe arrived and ran into her house as excited as a nine-year-old boy with his first bicycle. Mary was working at her computer as Joe came up behind her, gave her a big kiss on the cheek and said, "C'mon, c'mon, let's go! Let's go for a ride." They jumped into the Explorer and headed out of town. After a few minutes, Joe pulled over to the side of the road and invited Mary to drive. She got behind the wheel and found that she really enjoyed the sensation of sitting up so high with a great view of everything ahead of her. Joe instructed, "Hang a left here" and as Mary follow...
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