پنج تا انگشت بودند، یکیشون خر بود، یکیشون گاو بود، یکیشون اسب بود، یکیشون شتر بود و یکیشون سگ بود. اول همه انگشتها با هم اختلاف داشتند اما بعد با هم آشتی کردند ومتحد شدند و گفتند بریم به جنگ شاه. حسابی با شاه جنگیدند و بعد با اون هم صلح کردند. بعد شروع کردند با هم رقصیدن. شتره چون قدش بلند بود همینطور که میرقصد از پشت خورد زمین و خونریزی مغزی کرد و مرد. همه رفتند و شتر را خاک کردند ولی سر تشیه جنازه شتر شاه میرقصید. همه عصبانی شدند و گفتند تو برای چی داری میرقصی، ما همه ناراحتیم این مرده. اما شاه جواب داد به من چه، توی کشور من رسم این است که هر وقت کسی میمیره سر تشیه جنازه اش برقصیم. دوباره همه شروع با هم جنگیدن اما دوباره با هم صلح کردند و شروع کردند با هم رقصیدن
It had taken a couple of weeks of negotiation but Joe finally got the deal he wanted and drove out of the dealership in his brand new Explorer. His girlfriend knew his real motivation for buying a utility vehicle was because he loved to go four-wheeling on Saturdays with his friends and felt a little conspicuous when he was always doing the "riding" and never the driving. Joe arrived and ran into her house as excited as a nine-year-old boy with his first bicycle. Mary was working at her computer as Joe came up behind her, gave her a big kiss on the cheek and said, "C'mon, c'mon, let's go! Let's go for a ride." They jumped into the Explorer and headed out of town. After a few minutes, Joe pulled over to the side of the road and invited Mary to drive. She got behind the wheel and found that she really enjoyed the sensation of sitting up so high with a great view of everything ahead of her. Joe instructed, "Hang a left here" and as Mary follow...
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